
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Crows Zero (Kurôzu zero~2007)

Crows: Zero Poster 2
Shun Oguri~Genji Takaya
Sousuke Takaoka ~Izaki
Kyôsuke Yabe~Ken Katagiri
Takayuki Yamada~Tamao Serizawa
Shunsuke Daitô~
Kiritani Kenta~Tokio

The Suzuran Senior High School for Boys, nicknamed "The School of Crows", is the poorest achieving, most violent school in the country. The students are called "crows" and they band together in factions, battling each other for influence and power. But they all share a common goal ... one that has never been reached in the school's history: unification. No one faction has ever reigned supreme.

Oguri plays the role of Genji Takiya, a transfer student who attempts to take over Suzuran Boys High School and is mentored by old boy yakuza Katagiri as he faces off against rival Serizawa

OMFG! This movie is so damn awesome that I'm ordering it right freaking now! This movie, after reading all reviews before mine, has been given 4 out of 4 everyone! I have to agree with all my heart and soul with this one. First off it has two sugoi male leads...Oguri Shun and Yamada Takayuki! This movie was non-stop action, an awesome fighting scene at the end, a few comedic/exagerated moments, serious drama. Geez! Did I mention that it had Oguri-kun and Taka-kun? Whew! Another top 3 movie for me. The fighting scenes alone left my panties in a wad. LOL! The guys alone will love the testerone fighting scenes all by themselves. Totally a movie for both genders!!

Oguri Shun
oguri shunoguri shunoguri shunshun oguri
Never enough Oguri Shun. How can someone like him be so damn cute? Kawaiiiiiiiiii! If only I were 13 years younger.............*dreaming* *....then sighs....*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

watched this last night, it was action-packed .. but after watching "say hello for me .." it was kindda hard imagining yamada takayuki as a tough guy .. hehehe